David Arkin Consulting Blog

July 12, 2024
Answers to 3 burning branded content questions
I spend a lot of my time with clients and publishers talking about branded content and how to drive more revenue. One of the best parts of presenting branded content strategies to — and meeting with — media professionals is...
July 11, 2024
How and why to focus on getting initiatives and projects done for your media company
A few years ago when I was considering launching a consulting company, I started having conversations with friends and colleagues in the industry about the idea and one common need and request kept popping up over and over again: Please,...
June 26, 2024
Boost Your Website’s Ranking: Four Tips for Effective Link Building
ID start. A pale hand holds a black Iphone, the phone screen shows the Google homepage. ID end....
free photo services
June 19, 2024
4 free photo services to know about and how to use them
ID start. A black camera with silver lining, and a green plant in a grey container sit on a brown wooden background. ID end....
May 31, 2024
How to create a great internship program
ID start. A white woman with blonde hair and glasses holds an Apple computer. There’s a red folder with a black marker on top of it, sitting next to her. ID end....
May 31, 2024
Why you need an AI policy for your media company and how to create one
ID start. A black silhouette, facing sideways, is full of shiny googly eyes. Above, there is text in a blocky black that says “AI.” ID end....
May 31, 2024
AI overviews: How to have your content show up in Google’s new search results pages
ID start. A Samsung tablet is open to the Google homepage. There is a phone and a white cup of coffee in the background. ID end....
May 31, 2024
How Facebook Groups became incredibly useful during a Texas tornado
ID start. There is a blueish-blackish tornado against a pale orange sky. ID end....
May 22, 2024
A publisher’s guide to an effective YouTube strategy
ID start. The Youtube logo — a white triangle over a red rectangle — lays in front of a black box. The background is a dark blue. ID end....
May 10, 2024
HTML headings: How to use H1s-H5s and why they are so important for SEO
ID start. A dark screen shows multicolored coding text in multiple lines of text. ID end....
May 3, 2024
Social media strategies that put less focus on links and more on storytelling, engagement and video
ID start. A pale hand holds a white Iphone, the screen shows a homescreen with apps. Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Chrome, Gmail, Spotify and Messenger are shown. The phone’s background is a blue gradient. ID end....
May 2, 2024
3 ways to ensure that your readers can easily contact you
ID start. A white woman with ginger hair in a grey coat holds a black phone, the phone’s screen is blank. ID end....
May 2, 2024
Here’s how news organizations can write shorter and tighter stories
ID start. A man in a blue suit writes in a small notepad on his thigh. ID end....
May 2, 2024
How you can use alternative story formats in your branded content
ID start. Someone in a grey sweater writes on a paper with a black pen. A white notebook and a white coffee cup are shown in the background. ID end....
May 2, 2024
Here are successful ways to summarize stories for a publisher’s newsletter
ID start. A screenshot of different app icons are shown. The apps include: Google News, Mail and BBC News. ID end....
May 1, 2024
What NYPA attendees said about David Arkin’s branded content and audience growth sessions
ID start. The text “New York Press Association: NYPA” is shown over a blue background. To the right of the text is a picture of a boardroom with someone speaking in front of a crowd. The picture is cut off...
April 30, 2024
Social media, digital audience growth expert Emilie Lutostanski joins David Arkin Consulting
ID start. A white woman with brown hair, wearing a white cardigan over a purple dress, smiles on the right side of the image. An illustrated blue and black chain link next to the text “David Arkin Consulting” are on...
April 18, 2024
How to use data to extend a story’s life
ID start. A white hand points at the viewer, a white circle around the pointer finger. Geographic shapes cover the image, white circles connect the lines. A purple and blue gradient covers the background. ID end....
April 12, 2024
Download these 5 Canva templates media companies can use for social media engagement
ID start. A black tablet shows the Canva logo over a blue, green and purple gradient. Objects like a camera, scissors, a magnifying glass, a coffee cup, a notebook and various printed out photos. ID end....
April 11, 2024
3 ways you can work with David Arkin Consulting
ID start. A person holds a phone in one hand, showing data not visible in the photo. In the other hand they point to a screen with a stylus. The screen shows data like a pie chart and plotted statistics....
April 8, 2024
How to make branded content successful for your writers
ID start. A pale hand holds a black pen and writes in a white notebook. A tablet is visible in the background. ID end....
April 8, 2024
Why asking readers to share content with you is such a good idea
ID start. Letter blocks are scattered across a table, spelling out “share.” ID END....
April 8, 2024
Why these 4 branded content campaigns worked
ID start. A pale hand points at big black text that says “CONTENT MARKETING.” surrounding the text is a cup of coffee, glasses, a keyboard, a pen and a book. ID end....
April 8, 2024
How a ‘what if’ approach grew a publisher’s real estate content
ID start. A wooden play house sits on a piece of paper. Next to the house is a pair of keys. The background is blue. ID end....
SEO best practices
April 5, 2024
Why AI, SEO and social media paid acquisition are so critical right now
ID start. Three letter blocks spelling out “SEO” sit on a wooden background. ID end....